New and old trends in cultural consumption in Chile: inequalities, emerging practices, and semantic descriptions




Chile, Cultural consumption, Cultural policies, Emerging cultural capital, Typology of consumers


This study discusses the characteristics of recent cultural consumption in Chile and what contributions can be made from there to the conceptual discussion on the relationship between forms of cultural consumption and positions in the social structure. The analysis is based on data from the National Survey of Cultural Participation 2017 of the Ministry of Cultures of Chile. From an analysis of latent classes and a multiple correspondence analysis, six profiles with sociodemographic characteristics and differentiated cultural practices were identified. The results indicate that, first, despite the design and implementation of a series of access to culture policies, the inequality that characterizes cultural consumption in Chile has not changed substantially in the last decade. Second, this inequality runs parallel to the emergence of diverse tastes, meanings and practices that do not correlate linearly with the sociodemographic structure, moderating the prevailing theses about both homology and omnivorism.


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How to Cite

Peters Núñez, T. S. ., Güell Villanueva, P. E. ., & Sotomayor López, G. A. (2022). New and old trends in cultural consumption in Chile: inequalities, emerging practices, and semantic descriptions. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 80(3), e212.




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