E-commerce in Spain (2019): an example of third level digital divide





Digital inequality, Digital skills, Ecommerce, Internet


E-commerce is an advanced use of the Internet that is becoming increasingly widespread among the population. However, there are reasons to believe that the inequalities caused by the third level digital divide are slowing its diffusion. Using data from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics (2020) we try to find out whether Internet users’ educational, material, and digital resources facilitate the adoption of this Internet use while helping to avoid the problems that may arise from it (defective products, problems in charging, etc.). For this purpose, a logistic regression model and a Poisson regression are implemented. The results show that, in line with digital inequality assumptions, Internet users with higher levels of resources incorporate e-commerce more easily into their daily lives and are more likely to avoid the problems associated with it.


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How to Cite

De Marco, S. . (2022). E-commerce in Spain (2019): an example of third level digital divide. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 80(2), e206. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2022.


