The new 2021 census in Spain: a pending methodological, epistemological and political debate




Demography, Census, Spain, Statistics, Methodology


For the 2021 census round, the traditional population census in Spain will be replaced by one based on links between population records and administrative registered data, coupled with big data and an ad hoc survey. In order to raise the debate in this regard, 30 in-depth interviews have been conducted with producers –National Statistic Institute and regional Institutes-, and users of census data from three academic disciplines - Sociology, Demography and Geography. The opinions, reflections, criticisms, and suggestions obtained have been organized in three different sections: methodological, epistemological and political, the latter referring to the inclusion of the big data generated by private companies. The conclusions include recommendations on the production process and evaluation of the census, as well as on the requirements for researchers in front of a new method of construction of the population census.


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How to Cite

Domingo i Valls, A. ., Bueno, X. ., & Treviño Maruri, R. . (2021). The new 2021 census in Spain: a pending methodological, epistemological and political debate. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 79(1), e181.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers CSO2017-85670-R