The financialisation of everyday life? An analysis of financial subjectivities and attitudes to economic risk in Spain




Financialisation, Neoliberalism, Qualitative research, Subjectivity


This article addresses the constitution of financial subjectivities in Spain. It is part of a series of studies aimed at furthering knowledge of the financialisation of everyday life, a process that is redefining the lifecycles of individuals and forging new spaces for calculation and investment. Our work analyses this process, using the technique of the semi-structured in-depth interview. The discourse analysis, based on an analytical model of the concept of financial subjectivity, points to a lack of correspondence between the theoretical contributions concerning this concept and empirical findings. Respondents’ economic behaviour was found to be only weakly financialised. A generalised lack of trust in the financial system, together with the predominance of public social welfare structures, discourage the use of financial investment as a means of protection against risk.


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How to Cite

Abalde, N. . (2020). The financialisation of everyday life? An analysis of financial subjectivities and attitudes to economic risk in Spain. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 78(4), e172.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers CSO2016-78122-R