The problematic conceptualization of financialisation: differentiating causes, consequences and socio economic actors’ financialised behaviour




Financial valuation processes, Financialisation, Capital-labour relationship, Marketisation


Financialisation is a structural and incomplete process of change in contemporary economies. The growth of the financial system in last few decades has been accompanied by an increasingly complex relationship between socio-economic actors and financial markets. In this paper we analyse the causes and consequences of financialisation regarding: an erosion of the capital-labour relationship; the rise of labour income inequality; and the marketization of daily life and social rights. We review the main conceptualizations of financialisation on various research sites corresponding to the main economic actors, that is: non-financial corporations; the state and individuals; and their complex relationship with financial markets. Our primary objective is to evaluate the contributions and limitations of financialisation studies in these research sites and to identify the main methodological challenges in conceptualising financialisation.


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How to Cite

Massó, M. ., Davis, M. ., & Abalde, N. . (2020). The problematic conceptualization of financialisation: differentiating causes, consequences and socio economic actors’ financialised behaviour. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 78(4), e169.




Funding data

H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Grant numbers 746622

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers CSO2016-78122-R