The ideological investment mechanism: about the legitimation processes of capitalism




Ideology, Legitimacy, Legitimation, Mechanisms, Reproduction


The study of legitimation as a mechanism for explaining the stability of capitalism has been largely displaced by studies on individuals’ dispositions towards inequality. Returning to the explanative role of legitimation, we propose an analytical distinction between three mechanisms of legitimation of the social order: social legitimacy, dissimulation, and ideological inversion. These mechanisms share some key features inspired by classical sociology, while differing in their explanation on how capitalism obtains social validity and endures through time. Specifically, we propose the primacy of the ideological inversion mechanism, as the most plausible thesis for the stability of contemporary societies. From this viewpoint, we suggest a new agenda for theoretical and empirical research on the legitimation of capitalism.


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How to Cite

Puga, I., & Moya, C. (2020). The ideological investment mechanism: about the legitimation processes of capitalism. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 78(2), e157.


