Blaming the victims of crime: Scope and associated factors




Attitudes, Gender perspective, Victimization experiences, Victims


There are currently few studies that have analyzed attitudes towards victims of crime, especially in Spain. With the purpose of contributing to this area of research, this work seeks to explore the main causal attributions for victimization and to examine the influence of victimization experiences and gender on the tendency to blame victims. To do this we employed a sample composed of 2,112 university students (63.6% women and 36.4% men). The data was collected through an online survey from November 7 to 20, 2017. The results showed that men blamed victims more than women did. In addition, controlling for the effect of gender, it was found that respondents who had been victimized were less likely to blame victims. The results and their implications are discussed.


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How to Cite

León, C. M., & Aizpurúa, E. (2020). Blaming the victims of crime: Scope and associated factors. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 78(1), e148.


