Time distribution in single-mother households. Living with others as work-life balance strategy





Care, Housework, Single-mother households, Time use, Working mothers


This paper analyses single-mother households’ unpaid work distribution –childcare and housework– compared with dual-parent households using the EET 2009-10. We hypothesize that working single-mothers implement two balance strategies: rearrange their time and live with relatives that are not part of the nuclear family. Results show that while working single-mothers invest the same amount of time in childcare as dual-parent mothers, the time invested in housework is lower, especially in time-demanding activities such as cooking or cleaning. On the other hand, single-mothers more often live with other people compared to dual-parent mothers. Furthermore, other members’ time contribution to childcare is significantly higher in single-mother households, but this tendency is not observed for housework.


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How to Cite

Ajenjo Cosp, M., & García Saladrigas, N. (2019). Time distribution in single-mother households. Living with others as work-life balance strategy. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(3), e131. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2019.


