The neighbourhood as a class front. Social movements and urban tourism in Poblenou, Barcelona




Classes, Poblenou, Social movements, Tourism, Urban space


The current concept of city contributes substantially to the productive sphere in capitalist societies and the conformation of social classes. Using as an example an opposition movement to touristification in Barcelona, this article pursues to illustrate the effects and mechanisms of capital on the reconfiguration of neighbourhoods. The neighbourhood of Poblenou has witnessed how the platform #EnsPlantem: Veïns in Perill d’Extinció deals with an increase in housing prices, changes in the traditional character of the area and the privatization of urban spaces, as a manifestation of capital reorganization. This research has been conducted through an ethnographic approach consisting in two-year long fieldwork.


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How to Cite

Mansilla López, J. A. (2019). The neighbourhood as a class front. Social movements and urban tourism in Poblenou, Barcelona. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(2), e128.


