Social innovation, practices to produce autonomy, empowerment and new institutionality?




Crisis, Empowerment, Neighbourhoods, Social innovation


Based on an analysis of the Catalunya case, this article contributes to the ongoing debate on social innovation, offering a general vision of the development of socially innovative practices and looking into its transforming potential in three key areas: 1) creation of social autonomy spaces; 2) citizen empowerment (especially within communities/collectives and in high social risk/vulnerability areas) and 3) development of new institutional architectures that would promote and reinforce social as well as citizen rights. The article forms part of an extensive investigation that has combined social innovation mapping, an online survey and various semi-structured interviews with key informants. The article outlines the potential and limitations of social innovation as a factor of social transformation, and thus points out the need for creation of favourable institutional conditions for its spread and consolidation.


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How to Cite

Martínez Moreno, R., Cruz Gallach, H., Blanco, I., & Salazar, Y. (2019). Social innovation, practices to produce autonomy, empowerment and new institutionality?. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(2), e126.


