Gender and commuting in andalusian urban regions




Distance, Female entrapment, Gender inequality, Occupational segregation, Travel-to-work


Sex differences in commuting have been a recurring object since finding that women work closer to home. However, the way in which they operate is the subject of debate between two perspectives: the female entrapment theory and the traditional theory. The first one tells us that sex differences in commuting are due to gender, in particular to the greater domestic workload and the relegation of the female labor role as secondary. While the second emphasizes how these differences are due to intermediate factors, mainly socio-economics. The objective of the present study is to contrast both hypotheses for the Andalusian case, through the 2011 Social Survey of mobility in Andalusian urban regions. The results obtained point to the complementarity of both, finding that gender inequalities operate more indirectly, through occupational segregation, than directly.


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How to Cite

Torrado, J. M., Romaní, J., & Susino, J. (2018). Gender and commuting in andalusian urban regions. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 76(3), e106.


