Elena Abascal

Universidad Pública de Navarra


Vidal Díaz de Rada

Universidad Pública de Navarra


Ignacio García Lautre

Universidad Pública de Navarra


M. Isabel Landaluce

Universidad de Burgos




The recoding of scale variables is a common step in the analysis of survey data. It is not immune, however, to certain pitfalls, such as the introduction of biases, or potential data distortion. This paper presents a methodological proposal for the validation of any recoding process, whether it involves metric- or categorical-scale variables. The aim of the proposed methodology is to verify the adequacy of the re-codification by indicating how close in structure the re-coded data are to the original data. The basis of the methodology is a factorial analysis technique, Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA), which is performed on a global data table juxtaposing the original-scale and recoded-scale data. The procedure is tested on real-world data drawn from a public opinion poll on perceptions of leading politicians in the Spanish Parliament.


La recodificación de variables es una etapa habitual en el análisis de datos de encuesta. No está exenta de riesgos, como pueden ser la introducción de sesgos o las posibles deformaciones de los datos originales. En este trabajo se propone una metodología de validación de cualquier recodificación, tanto de variables de escala métrica, como de escala categórica para reducir el número de categorías. El objetivo de la metodología propuesta es comprobar la adecuación de la recodificación, indicando en qué medida los datos recodificados mantienen la misma estructura de los datos originales. La metodología se basa en el uso de un método factorial, Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA), aplicado sobre una tabla global obtenida como yuxtaposición de los datos medidos con la escala original y los mismos datos medidos con la escala recodificada. El procedimiento ha sido testado a partir de un conjunto de datos reales extraídos de una encuesta de opinión pública sobre los principales políticos del Parlamento Español.

Received: 08-06-2018; Accepted: 10-10-2018; Publicado online; 04-06-2019

Cómo citar este artículo/Citation: Abascal, E., V. Díaz de Rada, I. García Lautre and M.I. Landaluce. 2019. "Scale recoding in sociological research: a new validation methodology. An application to a political survey". Revista Internacional de Sociología 77(2):e130.

KEYWORDS: Simple and Multiple Factor Analysis; Social Survey Measurement Scales.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Análisis Factoriales Simples y Múltiples; Escalas de Medida en Investigaciones Sociales.

Copyright: © 2019 CSIC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.





The questionnaire is one of the most widely-used sociological data gathering tools. After establishing the number of questions to be included, it is very important to select an appropriate question format. For surveys involving complex issues, one of the most frequent options is to use the so-called battery question format, where the same set of response options is assigned to the whole set of questions (Revilla et al., 2017Revilla, M., D. Toninelli and C. Ochoa. 2017. "An experiment comparing grids and item-by-item formats in web surveys completed through PCs and smartphones". Telematics and Informatics 34:30-42.: 30). A more precise definition is given in Couper et al. (2013Couper, M. P., R. Tourangeau, F. G. Conrad and C. Zang. 2013. "The design of grids in web surveys". Social Science Computer Review 31(3):322-341.: 322), where it is stated that “in grid questions, a series of items is presented (usually in rows), sharing a common set of response options (usually in columns), asking one or more questions about each item”. For Roßmann, Gummer and Silber (2017Roßmann, J., T. Gummer and H. Silber. 2017. "Mitigating satisficing in cognitively demanding grid questions: evidence from two web-based experiments". Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 6(3):376-400. 2) grid (or matrix) questions, “present respondents a set of items that they are asked to answer using a common response scale, usually a Likert-type or rating scale”.

The battery question requires less response time than other formats and, according to Bell et al. (2001Bell, D. S., C.M. Mangione and C.E. Kahn. 2001. "Randomized testing of alternative survey formats using anonymous volunteers on the world wide web". Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 8:616-620.), Couper et al. (2001Couper, M. P., M. Traugott and M. Lamias. 2001. "Web survey design and administration". Public Opinion Quarterly 65:230-253.) and Thorndike et al. (2009Thorndike, F. P., P. Carlbring, F.L. Smyth, J.C. Magee, L. Gonder-Frederick, L.G. Ost and L.M. Ritterband. 2009. "Web-based measurement: effect of completing single or multiple items per webpage". Computers in Human Behavior 25:393-401.), generates lower partial non-response rates. There is a lack of consensus on this issue, however, since other studies (Iglesias et al., 2001Iglesias, C.P., Y. F. Birks and D.J. Torgerson. 2001. "Improving the measurement of quality of life in older people: The york SF-12". Quarterly Journal of Medicine 94:695-698.; Smyth and Olson, 2016Smyth, Jolene D. and K. Olson. 2016. "A Comparison of Fully Labeled and Top-Labeled Grid Question Formats". International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing, Miami, FL, November 9-13, 2016.; Toepoel, Das and van Soest, 2009Toepoel, V., M. Das and A. van Soest. 2009. "Design of web questionnaires: The effects of the number of items per screen". Field Methods 21:200-213.; Tourangeau et al., 2004Tourangeau, R., M.P. Couper and F.G. Conrad. 2004. "Spacing, position, and order: Interpretive heuristics for visual features of survey questions". Public Opinion Quarterly 68:368-393.) observe the opposite effect, as well as less differentiation in responses and correlation between item responses. Mention should also be made of the more compact layout of battery questions, where the scale is shown only once; in web surveys, this reduces the need for scrolling or changing webpage (Revilla et al., 2017Revilla, M., D. Toninelli and C. Ochoa. 2017. "An experiment comparing grids and item-by-item formats in web surveys completed through PCs and smartphones". Telematics and Informatics 34:30-42.).

After deciding on the type of question format, the next crucial step is to select the response scale. This decision influences the quality of the responses and determines the statistical method to be used for the survey data analysis (Conrad and Kreuter, 2015Conrad, F. and F. Kreuter. 2015. Questionnaire design for social surveys, course by Coursera. Many researchers decide to use a long scale with a wide array of scores so as to keep to the initial survey objectives. Thus, once collected, the data can be altered (recoded) to find the most appropriate scale for the response analysis. It can also be useful to recode metric variables, such as consumption levels or age, as categorical variables. A few recommendations in this context would be to respect natural boundaries, examine the quantiles, and keep clear of any outlying categories. Finally, when working with categorical variables, an excessive number of categories can distort the analysis of survey data, so grouping to reduce the number could be a good option.

The Encyclopaedia of Survey Research Methods uses the term Recoding to “describe the process of making changes to the values of a variable” (Tien, 2008Tien, C. 2008. "Recoded Variable". Pp. 696-697 in Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods (vol. 1).). Data transformation (Bourque and Clark, 1994Bourque, L.B. and V. A. Clark. 1994. Processing Data The Survey Example. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.) or the modification of variables (Weisberg et al. 1996Weisberg, F., J.A. Krosnic and B.D. Bowen. 1996. An Introduction to Survey Research, Polling and Data Analysis (3 ed.). California, USA: Sage.) prior to considering the available statistical methods is a topic that few papers have addressed. Furthermore, the vast majority of these papers explain the recoding process, but hardly any discuss its effect on the data. Even compendiums such as that of Miller (1991Miller, D.C. 1991. Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement. London: Sage.) ignore this issue.

As a rule of thumb, the scale recoding should not generate any loss of key information that could seriously compromise the analysis of the original data. Consequently, the researcher must verify or validate the recoded scale to ensure that it does not lead to a biased interpretation of the original data. In consequence, we propose a methodology for finding an objective criterion to help the researcher in this choice, that is, a methodology for scale recoding validation.

The factorial method Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) is the core of the methodology for scale recoding validation. MFA provides numerical and graphic indicators to show how closely the recoded data resemble the original data. Furthermore, it is a factorial method designed to handle mixed data, that is, to analyse metric and categorical tables simultaneously. This is the case studied later, where the original variables, which are ratings of 0 or 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) usually considered as metric variables, are recoded as categorical ones. In general, the MFA scale validation methodology is very flexible since it enables the comparison of different types of original scales (categorical or metric) with different types of recoded scales (usually categorical), according to the research objectives.

Abascal and Díaz de Rada (2014Abascal, E. and V. Díaz de Rada. 2014. "Analysis of 0 to 10-point response scales using factorial methods: a new perspective". International Journal of Social Research Methodology 17:569-584. present another case where the MFA scale validation methodology could be very useful. The authors compare the pros and cons of analyzing the same data by metric or categorical scale using factorial methods. They state a preference for the categorical scale, despite the undeniable drawbacks that arise when the original variables have a large number of categories and are analysed by Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), the correct factorial method for this type of data. In this case, some of the categories could be so similar, so very close, that they fail to contribute differentiated information. A large number of MCA factors would have to be selected to explain the relevant information content of the original data and the solution would become unwieldy, with too many factorial planes to interpret. One way to overcome this problem is to group the categories by recoding the original scale in order to reduce the dimensions of the original data without loss of relevant information. This makes it easier to identify the most characteristic features of the data and thus benefit from the acknowledged advantages of the categorical scale over the metric scale.

It follows from the above that it is common practice to recode the original scale in order to obtain a categorical scale with a small number of categories. It goes without saying that, when the recoding process involves merging consecutive categories, it needs to be carried out very carefully, only after a prior analysis and never as a matter of course. The problem is even greater when categorizing a metric variable. In this case, Abascal et al. (2006bAbascal, E., I. García-Lautre and F. Mallor. 2006b. "Data mining in a bicriteria clustering problem". European Journal of Operational Research 173:705-716. recommend using both scales simultaneously (the original metric scale and the recoded categorical scale), applying a bi-criteria analysis.

This paper is structured as follows. The next section presents data obtained from a survey of public perceptions regarding leading members of the Spanish Parliament. After this, there comes a section explaining each stage of the scale recoding validation MFA methodology, followed by another showing the main results of the empirical check of the factor stability between the original and recoded scales in order to illustrate the appropriateness of the MFA methodology. The main conclusions of the MFA methodology, its limitations and proposals for ways to address them, are presented in the final section.



The data used in this paper is drawn from a Spanish household survey conducted by the Sociological Research Centre, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS, 2014CIS. 2014. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Barómetro de julio 2014, estudio 3033.). The survey in question (Number 3033[1]), which was the latest available at the commencement of this study, was carried out in July 2014. The survey universe was all Spanish citizens (except residents of Ceuta and Melilla) aged 18 years and over from which a sample of 2,500 individuals was selected, in accordance with CIS sample quality standards. In order to present the MFA recoding scale validation methodology more clearly, we have selected a subsample comprising all those respondents who answered the selected questions. The size of the subsample is more than sufficient to apply the methodology, although it precludes the possibility of drawing inferences for the population as a whole.

The survey question selected to illustrate the MFA recoding scale validation methodology reads as follows:

Please indicate whether you know each of the following political leaders [SHOW CARD]. How do you rate the political performance of NAME OF POLITICAL LEADER KNOWN on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means “very poor” and 10 means “very good”?

With the aim of illustrating the MFA recoding validation methodology, we use the ratings for the leaders of the four main parties as given by those respondents who recognized them. The same criterion is used in Abascal and Díaz de Rada (2014Abascal, E. and V. Díaz de Rada. 2014. "Analysis of 0 to 10-point response scales using factorial methods: a new perspective". International Journal of Social Research Methodology 17:569-584. “A survey covering national, regional and local politician’s produces a considerably lower response rate on some politicians… it was decided to reduce the scope of the survey to politicians from parties of nationwide relevance…”

The final sample comprises 1,704 respondents who gave their opinions of the four leaders at the time of the survey. Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish president and president of the Popular Party, PP, right wing. Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, president of the main opposition party, the Spanish socialist party, PSOE, a moderate left-winger. Cayo Lara, president of the second most important opposition party, United Left, IU/ICU, a left- winger. Finally, Rosa Díez, ex-socialist, co-founder of the UPyD –i.e., the Progressive and Democratic Union, Member of the European Parliament, and a regular media figure. Figure 1 shows the frequency distributions of the ratings for each politician.

Figure 1. Bar charts of the frequency distributions of the politician ratings

Bar charts of the frequency distributions of the politician ratings

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The four bar charts in Figure 1 show similar irregular distributions, the most noteworthy features of which are discussed briefly below. It is also immediately apparent that the value with the highest frequency is zero. Furthermore, there is a greater difference of frequency between some consecutive values like 0 and 1 or 1 and 2. Finally, there is a high frequency of DK/NA responses in two of the bar charts. All these features indicate that the variables should be handled as categorical variables.

MFA scale recoding validation methodology

On the whole, the scale recoding validation methodology must enable the comparison of several tables of data to determine whether they have a similar structure. There are several factorial methods for this purpose, as can be seen in Dazy and Le Barzic (1996Dazy, F. and J. F. Le Barzic. 1996. L´Analyse des Données Evolutives. Paris: Technip.), Abascal et al. (2001Abascal, E., K. Fernández, M. I. Landaluce and J. Modroño. 2001. "Diferentes aplicaciones de las técnicas factoriales de análisis de tablas múltiples en las investigaciones mediante encuestas". Metodología de Encuestas 3:251-280.) and Greenacre and Blasius (2014Greenacre, M. and J. Blasius. 2014. Visualization and Verbalization of Data. Computer Science and Data Analysis Series. London: Chapman and Hall/Taylor and Francis Group/CRC.). The proposed methodology, based on MFA, works by comparing the stability of the factors obtained from the original and the recoded data tables and by checking for differences in the internal structure of the two data tables.

Rationale for selecting MFA scale recoding validation methodology

The MFA, proposed by Escofier and Pagés (1982Escofier, B. and J. Pagès. 1982. "Comparaison de groupes de variables définies sur le même ensemble d´individus". Working paper 165, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique., 1990Escofier, B. and J. Pagès. 1990. Analysis Factorielles Simples et Multiples. Paris: Dunod., 2016Escofier, B. and J. Pagès. 2016. Analysis Factorielles Simples et Multiples. Cours et éstudes de cas (5 ed.). Paris: Dunod.), at the French School of Data Analysis, is a method of factorial analysis adapted for dealing with data tables in which a set of cases is described by means of several groups of variables. The aim is not merely to obtain a typology of the cases described by a whole set of variables, but also to discover any possible relationships between patterns emerging within each of the groups.

There are three main reasons for using MFA as the scale validation method:

Brief description of MFA

Essentially, MFA is a weighted Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Figure 2), for which there follows a brief description contextualized to the objectives of this paper, extracted from Abascal et al. (2006Abascal, E., I. García-Lautre and M. I. Landaluce. 2006. "Multiple factor analysis of mixed tables of metric and categorical data". Pp. 351-367 in Multiple Correspondence Analysis and related Methods. London: Chapman and Hall.):

  1. Partial analysis. Each group of variables is linked to a cloud of cases, known as partial cloud, and represented by a rectangular table of data, X1 and X2 (the cases are the rows and the variables are the columns). In this stage, a factorial analysis is performed on each of the tables and the first eigenvalue, λ1(1) and λ1(2), in each analysis is retained. The factors obtained in each separate analysis are called partial factors.

  2. Global analysis. A weighted PCA is performed on the global table formed by juxtaposing the 2 tables [X1|X2]. Each table is weighted by the inverse of the first eigenvalue retained in the partial analysis, 1/λ1(1) and 1/λ1(2). The factors obtained in the global analysis are called global factors. Two main properties are associated with the use of this weight:


Where i(1)i(1) and i’(1)i’(1) are two individuals characterized only by the variables of group 1 (original scale) while i(2)i(2) and i’(2)i’(2) are the same individuals characterised only by the variables of group 2 (recoded scale).

Figure 2. Diagram of the scale recoding validation methodology

Diagram of the scale recoding validation methodology

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One noteworthy characteristic of MFA is that it can be used to analyze tables of different types of variables (quantitative and categorical), known as mixed tables. The results from quantitative tables are equivalent to those obtained via PCA, while the results from categorical tables are equivalent to those obtained by means of Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). This greatly facilitates their comparison.

As well as providing the classical results of other factor analysis techniques (PCA or MCA), MFA has the distinctive feature of treating the group of variables as one more element of analysis. In the case at hand, there are two groups: that of the variables measured on the original scale and that of the variables measured on the recoded scale. This yields a large number of specific results. Thus, in MFA, the terms “partial” and “global” take on special importance. In terms of cases (observations), we speak of “partial cases” when the variables of each group are characterized separately. In the context that concerns us, each case gives two partial cases per respondent. One of these partial cases represents the respondent’s responses on the original scale (the score of 0 to 10 assigned to the politician, plus the DK/NA option). The other partial case represents the same respondent’s replies on the recoded scale (an evaluation based on one of four categories). We speak of “global cases” when the characterization is based on all the information from all the groups of variables. In our context, there is one global case per respondent. This global case captures all of a respondent’s answers, taking into account both scales (original and recoded). Global cases can be interpreted as the midpoint of their respective partial cases. In our context, the global cases are the synthesis obtained by combining the two measuring scales (original and recoded).

For a deeper explanation of MFA, the interested reader is referred to Lebart, Morineau and Piron (2000Lebart, L., A. Morineau and M. Piron. 2000. Statistique exploratoire multidimensionnelle. Paris: Dunod.) and Escofier and Pagès (2016Escofier, B. and J. Pagès. 2016. Analysis Factorielles Simples et Multiples. Cours et éstudes de cas (5 ed.). Paris: Dunod.) and, for an applied perspective, to García Lautre, I. and Abascal, E. (2003García-Lautre, I. and E. Abascal. 2003. "Una metodología para el estudio de la evolución de variables latentes. Análisis de las infraestructuras de carreteras de las comunidades autónomas (1975-2000)". Estadística Española 45(153):193-210. and 2004García-Lautre, I. and E. Abascal. 2004. "A methodology measuring latent variables based on multiple analysis". Computational statistics and data analysis 45(3):505-517.), Landaluce, Mª I. (1995Landaluce, M.I. 1995. Estudio de la estructura de gasto medio de las Comunidades Autónomas españolas. Una aplicación del Análisis Factorial Multiple. Bilbao: Public University of Basque Country. Unpublised Ph.D, thesis.), García Lautre, I. (2001García-Lautre, I. 2001. Medición y Análisis de las Infraestructuras: Una Nueva Metodología basada en el Análisis Factorial Múltiple. Pamplona: Public University of Navarra. Unpublised Ph.D, thesis.) and Dazy and Le Barzic (1996Dazy, F. and J. F. Le Barzic. 1996. L´Analyse des Données Evolutives. Paris: Technip.).

Stages of the MFA scale recoding validation methodology

The methodology for the validation of a recoding process consists of an MFA of the global data table obtained from the juxtaposition of the original with the recoded tables (Figure 2).

The results yielded by the MFA are analyzed in the pre-established order, which can be observed in the validation methodology. The focus in each stage is on the issues that are relevant for the objective of the validation process:

Stage 1: Global analysis. The first stage is the interpretation of the graphical and numerical results of the MFA, which are of a global nature, since they apply to the tables (or scales) globally. The main results:

At this point, the researcher has sufficient objective criteria to decide whether to proceed with recoding. If the results indicate weak factor stability between the two scales, an alternative form of recoding must be found and subjected to the validation procedure. Otherwise, the researcher can proceed to stage 2.

Stage 2: Particular analysis. This stage consists of the analysis of precisely those categories that show the least stability after recoding. It will inform the researcher as to whether the recoding needs to be adjusted, and in what way, or whether it can be considered completely valid. In this procedure, the original and the recoded categories are projected onto the principal factor-planes (known as MFA graphs of the variables) in order to obtain a single mapping of all categories (both original and recoded), and thus fitting the two scales into a single framework. Analysis of the distances between the original and the recoded categories will reveal which are least stable and indicate what adjustments are required. In other words, any recoded categories that are too far away from their respective original categories must be examined closely, so that the recoding can be modified accordingly. Briefly, this stage consists of a visual comparison of the original scale with the recoded scale, the outcome of which depends crucially on the researcher’s experience in the interpretation of such graphs.

Once the above two stages are complete, the researcher is equipped to make the final decision regarding the validity of the proposed recoding, and, if a replacement is deemed necessary, the information obtained in the previous stages will indicate the direction the adjustment must take.

Scale recoding validation for the Spanish politician ratings survey

Prior/Preliminary analysis: the decision to recode

In the survey chosen for the purposes of this study, the CIS uses a scale of 0 to 10 for the politician ratings plus one more category for the “don’t know /no answer” response option. This is usually treated as a metric scale, that is, by analyzing the average rating for each politician and adding the percentage of non-response, (don’t know/no answer). Such data structures are frequently analyzed by PCA, the drawbacks of which are noted and duly explained in Abascal and Díaz de Rada, 2014Abascal, E. and V. Díaz de Rada. 2014. "Analysis of 0 to 10-point response scales using factorial methods: a new perspective". International Journal of Social Research Methodology 17:569-584. In this paper, therefore, the scale is directly considered categorical and subjected to MCA (Abascal et al., 2017Abascal, E., V. Díaz de Rada, I. García-Lautre and M. I. Landaluce. 2017. "Analysis of the response structure to a set of questions with large number of scale points: a new combined metric and categorical approach". International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21(4):395-407.

Having justified this first decision, we need to note that the resulting number of categories is 12 (11 from the scale of 0-10, plus the non-response category, “don’t know/no answer”) for each rating of each of the four politicians. The total dimension of the data table, therefore, is 1,704 rows (cases) by 48 columns (categories). Under these conditions, the excessive number of categories in the MCA can give rise to negative consequences which can be summed up as follows (Lebart et al., 2000Lebart, L., A. Morineau and M. Piron. 2000. Statistique exploratoire multidimensionnelle. Paris: Dunod.):

The MCA of the data considered in this analysis reveals that the first factors, in fact, present the characteristics mentioned above. Thus, the principal axis, or first factor, is determined mainly by the “non-response” category”, in other words, it highlights those respondents who select “don’t know/no answer” (for almost all their politician ratings). Close examination of the plane formed by factors 2 and 3 (Figure 3), clearly illustrates the need to recode the original scale for the following reasons:

Figure 3. Plane of factors 2 and 3 from the MCA, showing the 12 response categories for each of the 4 politicians

Plane of factors 2 and 3 from the MCA, showing the 12 response categories for each of the 4 politicians

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The shortcomings of these results reveal the need to recode the original scale. By reducing the number of categories, it will be possible not only to mitigate their negative effects when MCA is used, but also to retain the aforementioned advantages of using a categorical scale.

In view of the above results, the scale will be recoded as follows:

This considerably reduces the size of the data table, from 12 categories per initial question to 4. It does, however, result in some loss of information and also carries the risk of introducing biases or distortions of the original data. It is for this reason that a recoding validation stage is considered necessary before proceeding with the data analysis. The kernel of this paper, therefore, is a proposal of methodology for achieving this objective. Its underlying philosophy and adequacy are described in the following sections.

Validation of a “correct” recoding

This section illustrates how the proposed methodology permits examination of the stability of the selected recoding described in the preceding subsection. The procedure consists of a MFA of the duplicated data table, as initially coded into 12 categories (group 1) and as recoded into 4 categories (group 2). Both groups are described on a categorical scale. The results obtained in both stages confirm the appropriateness of the recoding, which considerably reduces the size of the problem while maintaining the initial structure of the data. Some of the results are presented below.

Stage 1: Global analysis

The first factors of each group show structures common to both. This is clear from the high correlation between factors of the same order, for the different groups (Table 1) and from the virtually null correlation between factors of different order.

Table 1. Correlations among factors of the partial analyses

Correlations among factors of the partial analyses

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The correlations between the global factors and the factors for the separate groups analyzed (Table 2) confirm the stability between the structure of the initial data and that of the recoded data. There is a strong similarity between the results of the partial and global analysis, as can be seen from the correlations of 1 or close to 1.

Table 2. Correlations among the factors of the global analysis and the factors of the partial analyses

Correlations among the factors of the global analysis and the factors of the partial analyses

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The numerical data interpreted so far are illustrated and complemented with graphs. Thus, the very similar overall pattern (internal structure) of the two tables analyzed is confirmed in Table 3 and Figure 4.The contributions of the two groups in the formation of the factors are well balanced (i.e., similar). Each scale (the original one and the recoded one) has its respective point on the plane and the points almost overlap. The coordinates of the groups measure the cumulative inertia contribution of each group to the corresponding axes of the MFA, while also indicating which groups contribute most significantly to the global factors. The weights ensure a maximum axial inertia of 1 in each direction. In this case, the high, and almost coinciding, coordinates enable us to identify two common factors on the scales under comparison. All this allows us to conclude that the information contained in the original data remains unaltered after this recoding.

Table 3. Coordinates and contributions of the groups in the global analysis

Coordinates and contributions of the groups in the global analysis

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Figure 4. Principal plane from the MCA, showing the groups

Principal plane from the MCA, showing the groups

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Stage 2: Particular analysis

In this stage, all the ratings of the politicians using the four recoded and twelve original response categories are projected onto the principal factor planes and the distances between them are analyzed.

For the purposes of this example, we take the factor plane formed by the second and third factors (plane 2, 3) because the first factor still captures the “don’t know/no answer” category, as commented on in the preceding subsection. The next step is the interpretation of the distances between the ratings for a single politician, Rajoy (President of Spain at the time of the survey), which is enough to show how the procedure works. Note that the categories corresponding to fail marks are denoted on the original scale by the values 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the recoded fail mark category is denoted by Rajoy _F. Figure 5 zooms in on the first quadrant in plane (2,3) to enable closer inspection of the differences. It is possible to observe the proximity between categories (quantified, generally, by means of the global indicators described and interpreted earlier), and what stands out is the central position occupied by the recoded category (Rajoy _F).

The procedure could then continue with the ratings of the other three politicians, but, when both scales show high factor stability, as in this case, it is not strictly necessary. In other words, the measures of global similarity obtained in stage 1 and the particular analysis of Rajoy’s ratings, performed in this second stage, enable the validation of the recoding of the original categorical scale. Therefore, despite substantially reducing the dimensions of the studied phenomenon, the recoding causes no relevant loss of original information.

Figure 5. Plane of factors 2 and 3 showing the original categories (RAJOY_number) and the new recoded categories (RAJOY - category)

Plane of factors 2 and 3 showing the original categories (RAJOY_number) and the new recoded categories (RAJOY - category)

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The usefulness of the second stage becomes apparent when the global indicators are found to reveal low factor stability between the two scales, indicating that the recoding has distorted the structure of the initial data. A situation of this nature raises the need to analyze the distances between the variables or categories on the original scale and those on the recoded scale. The purpose of such an analysis is to identify the precise differences between the two scales, show which categories are the least stable, and thus indicate the changes required in the recoding.

Validation of an “incorrect” recoding

The proposed methodology is able to detect when a recoding is inappropriate and liable to lead to major information loss or biases. In this subsection, the aim is to illustrate the capability of the methodology by analyzing an inappropriate recoding. In the new scale, the null (zero) rating is added to the fail category, leaving only 3 categories: “don’t know/no answer”, “pass” and “fail”. It is known, a priori, that this new recoding is inappropriate, as the influence of the zero rating in the second MCA factor will now be diluted within the fail category.

The aim here is to show briefly how the proposed methodology is able to detect this serious recoding error. Thus, the original scale variables form group 1 and the recoded scale variables form group 2. We have included as many indicators from the first stage as are required to illustrate the distortion of the original information due to inappropriate recoding.

The correlations between the partial factors from the analysis of the original scale and those from the new one are very weak, except for the first factor. This is to be expected, given that the recoding maintains the “don’t know/no answer” category, which, as seen in the preceding subsection, defines the first factor. The correlation between the second partial factors, however, is very weak (0.36), and actually drops to 0.0 between the third partial factors and subsequent ones. In consequence, the correlation between the partial factors of the same order is weak; so the structure of the original data and the recoded data has changed. In addition, there is strikingly high correlation (0.85) between partial factor 3 in the original data and partial factor 2 in the recoded data. This indicates that the new scale has “deleted” a piece of relevant information, captured by the second principal dimension of the MCA of the original scale. By merging the zero rating with its adjacent categories, the recoding conceals a key piece of information and the proposed methodology detects this easily.

Table 4. Correlations among the factors of the partial analyses

Correlations among the factors of the partial analyses

[Descargar tamaño completo]


A quick comparison of Figure 5 and Figure 6 reveals that the new recoding modifies the original data structure by merging two different categories (RAJOY_Z and RAJOY_F in the first recoding) into one (RA JOY_F in the new recoding). The opposed positions of RAJOY_Z and RAJOY_F with respect to the factor 2 (Figure 5) show their different typology. Both categories are an important part of the information content of the original data and any alteration would constitute a serious distortion. A similar effect is observed for the remaining politicians, but the case of Rajoy is the most illustrative.

Figure 6. Plane of factors 2 and 3 showing an example of erroneous recoding

Plane of factors 2 and 3 showing an example of erroneous recoding

[Descargar tamaño completo]




It is common practice for researchers to recode the original scale chosen to measure a phenomenon of interest. There are various reasons for recoding, two of the main ones being to reduce the dimension of the data (reduce the number of categories in a categorical scale) or to change the nature of the data to fit more appropriate methodologies (transform metric scales into categorical scales). It is important, however, to ensure that the new scale does not result in any transformation or loss of relevant parts of the original information, since this could substantially alter the results. Validation of the recoding is therefore one more stage in the research process.

The results in the two preceding sections provide clear proof of the adequacy of MFA for finding the answer when faced with the decision of whether to recode the original scale. If the researcher recodes the original scale correctly, the methodology provides various graphic and numerical signals which capture and measure the main similarities between the recoded scale and the original one. Thanks to this methodology, an incorrect recoding can be quickly discarded based on a simple analysis of the correlation structure of the partial factors.

Thus, it is worth emphasizing to potential users the major advantage of this validation methodology - its simplicity. The user does not need to be an expert either in factorial analysis or in multi-table analysis. All the results required can be obtained automatically using existing statistical software, some of which is freely available. The decision to recode can be adopted or abandoned after simply following the guidelines indicated by the authors in the example (and counter-example). The proposal for this methodology involves a multi-stage protocol in which the results are interrelated and must therefore be analyzed jointly and in an ordered manner before validating or rejecting the proposed recoding.

One of the most relevant contributions of this paper is that it does not propose a specific recoding criterion, but provides researchers, instead, with a tool that will, ideally, lead them towards a validated recoding. The underlying idea is to determine how far the initial relationship structure among the variables remains unaltered after recoding. The methodology is able to handle both metric and categorical variables, variables with high heterogeneity, variables with different ranges and even variables expressed in different units. The core concept behind the proposed method is the study of factor stability to ensure that the new scale has not produced distortions in the original data structure. We therefore consider it coherent with the philosophy underlying the factorial analysis of multiple tables. From the family of methods developed in recent years for the simultaneous study of multiple data matrices, the choice was MFA. Use of this method is not constrained by the nature of the original data, because it can be used for the analysis of so-called mixed data tables. Thus, one of the tables might contain what was originally either metric or categorical data and the other might be the result of recoding into fewer categories in order to reduce the dimension of the problem.

A practical case based on the opinion poll ratings assigned to four leading Spanish politicians provides a framework in which to demonstrate the suitability of the MFA recoding validation methodology. The usefulness of the procedure is then demonstrated by comparing the structures of two groups of variables, one for the ratings of the politicians on a twelve-category nominal scale (the original scale), and another for their ratings on the recoded four-category nominal scale. Recoding greatly reduces the dimension of the problem, which is an advantage in itself, without provoking any significant change in the initial structure of the data under analysis. A second, intentionally “erroneous”, recoding is carried out to demonstrate that the method has the further capabilities of detecting when a recoding is inappropriate and likely to lead to significant loss of information or biases, and of indicating the direction in which it needs to be modified.

Looking ahead, we have proposals for four future lines of research. The first and most obvious is to apply the validation methodology to quantitative variables, which was not possible in this paper due to lack of space. The context for this is the recoding of different types of household consumptions (in Euros), following an idea proposed in Abascal et al. (2006Abascal, E., I. García-Lautre and M. I. Landaluce. 2006. "Multiple factor analysis of mixed tables of metric and categorical data". Pp. 351-367 in Multiple Correspondence Analysis and related Methods. London: Chapman and Hall.). The second, on a more theoretical level, is to carry out a deep comparative analysis of multi-table analysis methods suitable for recoding validation. These would include MFA and others that have gained some acceptance among the scientific community, such as STATIS (Lebart et al, 2006Lebart, L., M. Piron and A. Morineau. 2006. Statistique exploratoire multidimensionnelle. Visualisation et inference en fouilles de données (4 ed.). Paris: Dunod.). The third involves a plan for a comparative analysis of MFA versus Bootstrap techniques, the latter currently being put forward as an alternative for the analysis of the stability of results between different codings (Lebart, 2007Lebart, L. 2007. "Which Bootstrap for Principal Axes Methods?". Pp. 581-588 in Selected Contributions in Data Analysis and Classifications. Studies in Classifications, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, edited by P. Birto, G. Cucumel, P. Bertrand and F. Carvalho. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Finally, we wish to compare the advantages of applying MFA or Non-linear Principal Components Analysis as the factorial method for recoding validation (Meulman et al., 2004Meulman, J.J., A.J. Van Der Kooij and W.J. Heiser 2004. "Principal Components Analysis with nonlinear optimal scaling transformations for ordinal and nominal data". Pp. 49-70 in The sage handbook of quantitative methodology for the social sciences, edited by D. Kaplan. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.).




Recovered from


Note that this type of marking system is deeply rooted in all stages of education in Spain.



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ELENA ABASCAL is a PhD in Economics and Business. Author of several books among which stand out, Multivariate methods for commercial research and Analysis of surveys. She is the author of scientific publications and contributions in congresses, being the main research line the multivariate statistical methods applied to social, economic and marketing studies and the design and analysis of surveys. She is a professor in the Department of Statistics and Operational Research at the Public University of Navarra.

VIDAL DÍAZ DE RADA is a Graduate and PhD in Sociology and a Graduate in Research and Market Techniques. He has published more than a hundred papers, mainly on methodology and sociology of consumption, highlighting among his latest publications Comparison of survey data collection methods (REIS, 2017), Face-to-face surveys using paper or computer. Difference in attitudes (Papers, 2017), Main reasons of food-away from home: A typology of spanish society (RES, 2017) and Fragmentación en los consumos de ocio en un contexto de crisis económica (ICARIA, 2017). He is a professor in the Department of Sociology at the Public University of Navarra and member of I-COMMUNITAS-Institute for Advanced Social Research.

IGNACIO GARCÍA LAUTRE is a PhD in Business Administration and Management. He is the author of scientific publications and contributions in congresses being the main research line multivariate statistical methods applied to social studies, economic and analysis of surveys. He is a professor in the Department of Statistics and Operational Research at the Public University of Navarra.

M. ISABEL LANDALUCE is a PhD in Economics. She is the author of scientific publications and contributions in congresses, both nationally and internationally, being the main research line multivariate statistical methods applied to social studies, economic and analysis of surveys. She is a professor in the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Burgos, in the area of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Enterprise.